"Is that a Pugil Stick you bought for the wedding?"

So there I was last month walking round Crufts, when I came upon a stall run by a couple of sculptors. On the stall were some ornate figures of Dogs funnily enough, and some walking sticks with sculpted heads of dogs at the top of them. I had always wanted my own walking staff ever since I used to go walking in the hills with my late Father in law with both our dogs. He had this walking staff with a deer's horn on top of it. I thought to myself, "I'll have one of those one day". It looked hand made and knowing my Father in law it probably was. He was always making things, he was quite good at those kind of things. So when I saw these staffs at the stall in Crufts I immediately engaged the stall holder, who turned out to be the sculptor, in conversation about the various staffs on show. They were all sizes and had every manner of dogs heads on them. The one that drew my attention was a Yellow Lab. Having two black Labs myself I thought, one like that wold be appropriate. So I asked if he had one with a black labs head on it. "No but I can make one especially". My own hand made walking staff. Commissioned by a Sculptor no less. To good to pass up. We talked wood type, height and so on and the deal was done. I paid a deposit, nearly half, and got a receipt. He explained that he had taken many orders and delivery would probably be about 3 - 4 weeks. Great, deal done off I went.
Nearly 5 weeks later I arrive home from work to see a card put through the door from Parcel Force saying a parcel too big to put through the letter box was waiting for me at the post office. So I had to go out last night to drop off a friend and on the way went to the post office to pick up my parcel. I sat in the car as my friend went into the PO to pick up the parcel. I watched as they came back out with said parcel and a slight grin on their face. When they got to the car and opened the door they said, "Is that a Pugil stick you have bought for the wedding?" Said wedding is next week by the way. However I was dumb struck by the question. What kind of world does my friend live in when the first ting that pops into their minds when they see a long thin parcel with a ball type end on it, that its a Pugil Stick, and that I had bought it for a wedding??
I want to live in that world. Its obviously so much more fun than mine.
Can you imagine it. No more feuds at weddings, no more police turning up to escort warring families away. Just get out your Pugil sticks and face off in the car park. Last man, or woman, standing is the winner. What a great way to sort out any arguments. What a great idea, I might actually go and buy one now, just in case there are any altercations next week. Well it is a meeting of the Auld enemies after all.

See you soon........


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