Choke chains Or check chains or slip collars/leads. We changed the name because Choke chain is not PC anymore. Just like Christmas or the Golly on the Jam jar. Its a Choke chain, designed to deliver pain to your dog for doing something you dont want it to do, lets call a spade a spade, or should that be shovel? Anders Hallgren Swedish Animal Behaviorist carried out a study in 1992 and concluded that of the dogs in the study that had been on the receiving end of harsh jerks of the lead as a means of correction for pulling, 91% had cervical injuries, (Neck injuries). A leading chiropractor who examined the dogs with the neck injuries concluded that a further 78% had spinal injuries which seemed to constitute an irritation which led to anxiety and aggression. In layman's terms the dog had a back injury because its owner kept jerking on the choke chain which led the dog to be firstly upset and then angry. Kind of common sense really when you think of it. So there you are hol...