Miya – My Northern Inuit.
For more than 14’000 years dogs have been living with man.
For the most part it has been a harmonious coexistence. In fact it has been the
most successful multi species integration of any other type. From even those
early encounters when wolves first ventured into the camp fires of men, we have
struggled to fully understand and communicate with them. We still dont really
know what they are thinking. We have however made some assumptions of what they
are communicating through their behaviours. This study looks at how those
assumptions have gone through an incarnation of understanding what really
motivates the wolf in our living room.
I work for what is now a small to medium sized
manufacturing company as the Operations Manager. I have been with the company
now for approxiamtely five years. The company has been in existence for more
than 60 years and in its heyday employed something like 2000 people. Now the
company employs just over 50. Of those 50 people, around 30 of them have been
with the company for around 25 years or more, mostly on the shop floor. When I
came into the company I learned that the culture and the way we did things was
very much steeped in the past. The way it was when the company was 2000 members
strong. But times have changed, methods of work has changed and attitudes to
work have changed. Part of my job then was to challenge the culture and
practises that were going on in the company to see if they were still
applicable to todays market and environment. In most cases I found it wasn’t,
and embarked on a process of bringing upto date the skills and attitudes of the
workforce to more modern thinking. It wasn’t an easy task taking the people
concerned with me. Prof. Ray Coppingher says “Learning is best done by challenging the old
When I started out training my first dog (More than 10 years ago), I went
to the local training school and there I learned how to train my dog in the
‘traditional’ way. It was there and then I learned how to ‘dominate’ my dog and
show him ‘who was pack leader’. I was taught how to grab him either side of his
head about the neck and give him a ‘good shake’, and say ‘NO’ in a really stern
and loud voice if he dared break his stay. Which by the way was only the second
time I had asked him to perform such a behaviour. The very first time I was
told how to make him sit went something like this. “Ok, give your dog the
command ‘sit’, then place your left hand on top of the dogs back side and shove
him down into the sit position”. “Then tell him he’s a good boy”. Seemed reasonable to me at the time. Little
did I know then. This method of ‘shaking’ him and forcing into either a sit or
lie position was, I was told, how to “show the dog who was boss”. Unfortunately
it took me six years to learn that this ‘dominance’ theory was not what it was
cracked up to be, and actually there was a different more kind way to teach my
dog. More importantly this ‘new’ method of training was based around how the
dog thinks and reacts to its environment and its basic needs, which surely has
to be a more productive method of training. Thankfully my dog, Ben, was very
forgiving and did not hold a grudge and we now have a very happy outlook to
training, and he shows real excitment when i bring out the clicker. Today there
are still clubs out there that train the traditional domince theory methods of
training. But why do these clubs still insist on training this way and where
does this notion of dominance come from?
According to Barry Eaton in his book “Dominance
in Dogs”, Dominance theory comes about from the following steps.
Wolf social structure is entirely explained by a
linear dominace hierarchy in which there is a constant battle to be alpha dog
and dominate the rest of the pack.
Domestic dogs are descended from wolves so the same
must apply to them.
Domestic dogs are trying to dominate us.
We should issue a preemptive strike and dominate dogs
by enforcing strict rules harshly.
Lets look at number one from the list above. This
idea of a linear hierarchy producing the ‘Alpha wolf’ came from studies
published by Rudolph Schenkel a prominent Swiss Biologist and Behaviourist.
These studies were based on a population of captive wolves in the 1930’s and
1940’s. What Schenkel observed was wolves fighting for dominance and position.
The studies were published in a paper entitled ‘Expression Studies On Wolves’.
Captivity Observations by R. Schenkel. The observation took place in
the Basle Zoological Gardens in Switzerland. Beginning in 1934 and completing
in 1942. Schenkel did recognise the impact on the wolves behaviour from being
held captive and extended the studies in length of time and other venues and
different canine species to try to make some sort of comaprison. However the
studies were later pronounced to be flawed in that they were studying wolves in
a captive situation and not in their natural environment. The studies involved
watching wolves that had been caught from diferent areas and put together in a
Zoo environment. There wete a number of males and females and different ages.
Male wolves were observed fighting to be top dog to give them the right to mate
with the top female. This coming together took part at the same time once every
year. It was thought from this that indeed wolves did fight for ‘Apha’ position
and that presumably this occurred in the wild. Schenkel did state in his paper
that observations of wild wolf packs were not yet available to confirm these
findings. It was therefore safe to surmise that since, as was thought then,
domestic dogs were descended from wolves that the dogs behaviour if left
unchecked would reflect what the captive wolves behaviour showed i.e. this
dominance behaviour to be top dog. The theory goes on in that it was resonable
to hypothesise that since most domestic dogs came into the house as a single
dog then it formed a pack with its human members of the house. This is because
both humans and dogs are typically social species. So now that a pack was
formed, which included a dog, then the ‘fight’ for top dog or ‘Alpha’ was
inevitable. How the dog would try to dominate us was similar to how the Alpha
pair expressed their dominance in the captive wolf pack. The captive wolf pack
would eat the kill first, leaving the scraps for the rest of the pack. The
Alpha would lead the way when moving about the area leading the pack deciding
on where and when to go. The best spot in the den, high up over the rest of the
den would be were the alpha pair lay, lording over the rest of the pack. This
‘theory’ was the basis of early training in obedience with many dog trainiers
and indeed it is still the preferred training method for many trainers.
Traditional methods of training tell us that we must dominate our dogs before
they dominate us. For example, in the text above the captive wolves had some
dominant traits like eating first before the rest of the pack. As human alpha
leaders traditional training tells us that we should show the dog whos the
alpha by eating first. So when we are putting out their food, and if we are not
ready for ours quite yet, we should at least get a biscuit and stand over the
dogs bowl and eat the biscuit simulating that we are eating out the dogs bowl.
Once finished the biscuit we can put the bowl done and the dog gets
‘leftovers’. If we take this to its logical conclusion then the rest of the
human pack should be higher up the rankings than the dog, therefore everytime
we feed fido all of the family members need to be present to ‘eat a biscuit’
over the bowl before the dog gets his. In the captive pack the alpha always led
the way. So in the domestic pack the alpha also has to lead the way. That means
going through doors first. When walking on the lead the dog needs to walk
behind the alpha human. Its also importnat according to traditional training
methods that the dog is not allowed up on furniture including chairs, sofa, or
beds. He is also not allowed to lie at the top of the stairs or across
doorways. This is clearly a strategy for raising its status in the human pack. Traditional
training methods of obedience is very much a hands on method. Teaching the dog
to sit involves giving the dog the sit command and then placing your hand on
top of the dogs rear hind quarters and gently pushing their back end down
untill the dog is in a sit position. Similarly with the down command the dog
would start off in a sit as directed above and then the down command would be
given. The handler would then place a hand between the shoulder blades of the
dig and push the dog down into a down position. After which you tell the dog
good dog. Whilst in the down position it might also be useful to roll the dog
onto its back into the Alpha roll position, exposing the dogs neck and
underbelly. This is because that is what the wolves do in the wild to a
subordinate, once again cementing your place as the alpha leader. This method
of teaching and behaviour modification still happens today.
David Mech is a Senior
Scientist with the Biological
Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey and an Adjunct Professor in
the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, and Ecology,
Evolution and Behavior at the University of Minnesota. He has studied wolves
and their prey since 1958, as well as several other species of wildlife.
Mech is also the co-founder of the
Internation Wolf Centre in Ely, Minnesotta U.S. The IWC is situated in the
middle of one of the worlds largest populations of wolves living in the wild in
the U.S. He has argued and campaiged against the concept of alpha. His
reasoning is that Wolves in captivity are different species than wolves in the
wild and as such act differently in terms of age structure and lifestyles. It is Mech’s studies of wolves actually living in
the wild that have thrown up new information which contradict what Schenkler
had observed with the captive pack. Studies of the wild wolf pack concluded
that first and foremost a pack was no more than a family. In actual fact the
pack consisted of a male and female adult and usually one or two generations of
pups. The first generation was about 1 or 2 years old and then the second
generation were pups. As this ‘pack’ was a family then there was no struggle
for status. Nature does not let fathers mate with daughters or sons mate with
mothers. So there was no competition. In fact when the mother came into season
once a year the daughters never came into season, whilst they lived with the
family pack. They would when they left to form their own pack. The first
generation young wolves would up and leave the family when they were 2 or 3
years of age, in search of other young wolves to mate and form their own
families. Mech also observed that it wasnt always the alpha male or female that
fed first. Mech observed on many occassions the entire family feasting on a
kill if it was big enough altogether. It was often the case that when the prey
was small and scarce it would be brought back to the den and the pups were
given it. This makes sense in that if at times of few prey only the alphas ate
then the pups would quickly die and their existance as a species would end. So
assuming this is true and that dogs are descended from wolves then it makes no
sense to stand over the dogs bowl eating a biscuit, because it doesnt happen
like that in the wild. I recently attended a seminar at the Kennel Club’s
Accredited Instructors Career Zone at Crufts 2013. The seminar was in two parts
Dominance part one and part two. Dominance part one was given by Professor
Peter Neville a Companion Animal Behaviour Therapist who has been in practise
for over 20 years. He has been a Clinical
Professor at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki
University, Japan since April
2008, and was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Dept of Animal Sciences at The
Ohio State University, USA in May 2009. He established the first companion
animal behavior referral clinic at a UK
veterinary school at the Dept of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bristol
in 1990. Professor Neville agreed with Mech in that he said “When we watch
wildlife documentaries on wolves, do we see two wolves lying eating a kill,
whilst an orderly queue forms behind them in ranking order waiting their turn”.
He went onto make the comparison, “When carrying out behavioral studies on people,
do we study prisoners in a jail”?
If the domestic dog is a direct descendant from the
wolf then surely the domestic dog is already ‘hard wired’ with all the wolf
traits mentioned above and if left to fend for themselves would quickly revert
back to being wolves. Early research suggested that dogs evolved from wolves through a
process of early humans capturiing wolf cubs and through selective breeding of
the best temprements of successive generations of captive bred wolves we got
the domestic dog. This was over some 15’000 years. Professor Neville suggests
that in fact “Knowing about wolf behavior is relevant to knowing about dog
behavior, however if dogs were to be let to roam free and fend for themselves
they wouldnt revert back to being wolves. Dogs and wolves share a common
ancestory but dogs are more likely to resemble the village wild dogs which
evolved from the smaller brown eurasian wolves rather than the more recognised
northern wolf that we know best”.
Ray Coppingher has a different theory. His theory in
summary suggests that when man switched from being hunter gatherers to farmers
and crop planters they began to stay in the one place and create settlements,
which in turn became villages, towns and ultimately cities. Having settled in
one place they created a lot of waste which they ‘dumped’ just outside the
village. Coppingher’s theory surmises that within all wolves and off course
dogs there is a flight reaction. That is, when something comes along that they
are unsure about they flee. He goes onto to suggest that a dogs flight response
can be measured by how far they run away and for how long they stay away. The
theory goes on that wolves with a low flight response i.e. those that dont run
away so far or stay away for long gradually become less afraid of humans and
more inclined to stay around the dumps scavenging for food. More and more they
become willing to be near the humans and less and less afraid. Over the
centuries these less afraid wolves evolved in size, shape and colour to look
like the village dogs that roam about the villages in europe, living of the
waste food that humans discard. It is these Canids that eventually
become what we know today as dogs. Wolves changed into dogs when they moved into
villages to suit their environment, they changed their diets, their roles and
their behaviours.
Professor Neville suggests that the behaviour of the
domestic dog cannot be likened to that of the behaviour of the wolf, in fact he
says they are two different species much the same as man is a different species
to apes. If man were to lose everything house, family, work, any and all
technology, he wouldnt revert to becoming an ape.
So if we believe what Mech, Neville, Coppingher et al
say that our dogs are not infact trying to gain a higher status in the human
pack by displaying dominance behaviour then what can be the explanation for
some of their behaviours. There is no doubt my dogs will jump up on the sofa at
the least opportunity they get. They always try to get out the door first, if I
were to let them. And there are many reports of dogs taking an aggressive
stance when someone approaches them whilst the dog is eating it’s dinner or a
bone or even chewing or holding a toy. If not dominat behaviour then what?
TOUGH LOVE is described as a film
about “A Meditation on Dominance and Dogs”. It is produced by Anchorhold films
and Tower Hill Films Production. The film charts the ‘Historical Perspective’
of the alpha dog, It explores the differences between the science and the
popular practice of dog behaviour. The film has many notable contributors like
Karen Pryor, Dr. Ian Dunbar, Nicole Wilde, Dr. Alexander Horowitz, Paul Owens
and many more including Dr. Sophia Yin.
Dr. Sophia Yin is an internationally renowned Veterinarian
and Animal Behviourist.
There are two approaches to behavioral training.

Dogs learn by Operant
Conditioning: trial and error learning. If they perform a behavior that works
then they will repeat it. If it doesn’t work then they will stop doing it and
try something else. What this suggests is that a dog’s misbehavior is down to
the fact that it has learned that this behavior is rewarding. The film also
goes onto suggest that displays of aggression may not be status related but
more resource related. A Resource Holding Potential model was developed by
biologist Geff Parker in the 1970's which predicted the likelihood of an animal
engaging in conflict with another over a resource.
and indeed dogs will compete for resources. They will compete with each other
and in the case of the dog it will compete with the human. For example a wolf
will make for the best spot in the den. If another wolf comes over to try to
take this spot, then the wolf already there may snarl, now if the wolf wanting
the spot backs down then the first wolf has learned that this behaviour works,
at least with this wolf and will repeat it everytime this situation occurs. Now
if we look at the dog, a dog may go up on the couch, it does so because its
warm and comfy, not because its higher up and increases its status. When the
human goes to make it come down the dog may show teeth or even growl. If at
this point the human backs away, the dog learns that this behaviour worked. It
had the desired effect of making the human go away and leave it on the couch.
This is not status driven just a desire to be left on the nice comfy couch,
which is a resource the dog desires. The same example could be used for toy
possession or food guarding. Both of which are resources that the dog may show
an unwillingness to share. If allowed to keep these resources unchallenged then
the dog learns from the reactions of the owner/human if they move away and
leave the dog. This is called Operant conditioning. Which Dr. Sophia Yin
describes as ‘trial and error’ learning. The dog will try the behaviour, the
growl or teeth showing, and if the handler backs off then the dog learns that
this behavior will get it what it wants. The other thing to consider is this,
dogs do not always display dominant aggression in every situation. I have five
dogs and I would say that Miya the Northern Inuit is the most dominant. She has
attacked three of the rest of the ‘Pack’ shortly after coming into the house.
However, star is the oungest member of the household and the last dog to join
us. She is very clearly toy dominant and will take a toy from Miya who may be
holding it in her mouth at the time. And Miya will give it up eventually.
training methods use Operant conditioning to eliminate unwanted behaviours in
dogs and replace them with more desired behaviours. In the case of the dog up
on the couch that is showing resistance clearly trying to take the dog by the
collar, assuming its wearing one in the house, is going to be problematic. For
that reason I would reccommend a house lead is worn by the dog until the dog
has been taught to come off the couch on command. Taking the house lead and
gently easing the dog off the couch and then rewarding the fact that the dog is
now off. If an individual wishes they can then at a later time invite the dog
back up on the couch, but the difference is that this time the dog is invited.
By repeating this behaviour modification the dog will learn that it can get up
on the couch if it asks. They do this by coming and laying their heads on your
knee or by standing in front of you staring intently. I know this from
experience, my Black Lab does this after tea at night. When we settle down to
watch a bit of telly he comes over and asks to get up. He also goes up himself
when we are out the room, but if I ask him to get off he does. Miya, in the
photo above, is a rescue dog and when she first came to the house she very
quickly went up on the couch. We saw this as a security position. The couch
provides unsure dogs with a place of security. They can see all infront of them
and they are covered on both sides and the back by the couch. When I first went
to get Miya off she showed me the same resistance albeit no teeth or curled
lip. But her head snapped round when I went to take her collar. As soon as I
snapped a lead on her and guided her off she completely relaxed and come off no
problem. The reason I say its a place of security is because Miya is not a fan
of the heat and needs to keep herself cool all the time. Even now when I invite
her up on the couch she barely stays there for more than ten minutes then goes
down herself because its too hot for her with the close body heat.
we now believe that rather than dogs trying to dominate us they are merely
competing for resources, and we now have a way of turning that around on them
and using it to train them positively, then questions remain as to why we still
use dominance theory in training today. If dogs are a different species and I
am certainly not a dog then why would they want to be my pack leader? We also
know that wolves form packs to survive and continue their existance. They need
each other to have puppies, bring down prey, protect each other against
predators. Dogs dont need any of that. We provide their food, security and
exercise. And quite a lot are neutered so there is no need for finding a mate.
Things like eating a biscuit before feeding the dog does not teach the dog
anything other than he has to wait another five minutes before he gets his
dinner. It doesn’t tell him we are higher up the family rankings than him. Lying
on the top stairs is merely the best place to watch us come and go and per
chance if we make a move for the front door he is perfectly placed to run down
and remind us to take him. A desire to get out the door first is just that a
desire to go for a walk because its nice and they enjoy it and the sooner they
get out there the better for them. When we rush out the office door at 5
o’clock at night are we dominating our boss because we are out the door first.
No, we want to get home and play with the dog because its fun, more fun than
working (unless your lucky enough to be working with dogs).
summary then this study has hopefully shown that dogs are not wolves, they are
different, as man is different to apes. I have also shown that even wolves dont
have dominance confrontations to establish the alpha pair. What I have shown is
an alternative reason why our dogs behave the way they do and by using Operant
conditioning and shaping techniques we can re-educate our dogs to give us the
behaviours that are much more socially acceptable. This does not that mean we
dont provide rules and boundaries? I believe dominance has a place in our
relationship with our dogs. In the second seminar on dominace held in the
Kennel Club Accredited Instructors Career Zone during Crufts 2013, the guest
speaker was Rob Elaine of among other things Dog Borstal fame. Which was my
favourite dog training program of them all. Rob raised the question of
dominance and suggested that there was room for dominace in contemporary
training. However what he suggested was that rather than trying to Dominate
your dog we should try to BE dominant with our dog. What he means is that we
should make sure we give the dog rules and boundaries. Let them know what is
acceptable and what is not. Its ok to tell your dog ‘No’. Its ok to tell your
dog ‘leave it’. And if you have to change your tone when giving the command
then so be it. That doesnt mean rolling up a newspaper and smacking them on the
nose with it, nor does it mean taking them by the collar and rubbing their
noses in what ever mess they have made. No, a simple ‘no, or ‘leave it’ can be
very effective in certain situations. Especially in an emergency situation
where the dog is about to come to some harm like running out on the road or
about to pick up something potentially harmful to them. Any of these commands
in a short sharp tone if taught can be very effective and potentially life
Traditional training methods were the way things were
done particularly after the last war when ex police or military people were the
main trainers of domestic dogs in the country. As science continues to evolve
so does our ability to create new technologies. These technologies are used to
enhance our lives on a daily basis. It is true also that the science of
Psychology and Behavioour has similarly evolved and has resulted in new ways to
communicate with the different species with which we share the planet. None
more so than dogs. We therefore owe it to them to make sure that our training
methods are as up to date as possible using the information that science has
provided us with. Why then are we still using outdated methods of training? As
I said in my introduction, getting people to change to something new, when they
have been using tried and trusted methods for years is very difficult. The only
way this can be done is through communication and education. We need more of
both if we are to put an end to some of the more disturbing newspaper headlines
that are becoming all to familiar on the subject of dogs showing unaccpetable
and sometime dangerous behaviours. The UK has a large population of dogs.
According to a
PDSA report compiled and issued in 2012, some intersting statistics were thrown
53 %
of UK households have pets including dogs.
23% of UK households have dogs as pets. Thats 8.3 million
Around 5.3 million dogs have never attended training
The actual lifetime cost of owning a dog can be between
£16k – £31k depending upon size.
5.3 million dogs have never attended training classes,
which means the chances of them being socialised properly are slim. Given the
cost associated with keeping these dogs we owe it to ourselves to bring them up
and train them properly. Only by prevention will we eliminate the bad
behaviours our dogs show. The first step to that is understanding what makes
them misbehave.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes said – “It is a truism to say that the
dog is largely what his master makes of him: he can be savage and dangerous,
untrustworthy, cringing and fearful; or he can be faithful and loyal,
courageous and the best of companions and allies”. Quoted by APDT on FaceBook
Today 9th April 2013 the Governemt has issued an amendment
to the Dangerous Dog Act stipulating that it is now an ofence for a dog to be
dangerously out of control in any place including private property.
Peter Jones, President of the
British Veterinary Association, said
“The Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill is a welcome move that will ensure owners take responsibility for their dogs’ behavior in all situations. Too many postal workers, nurses, social workers, and family members have been injured on private property with no protection under the law.
“The Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill is a welcome move that will ensure owners take responsibility for their dogs’ behavior in all situations. Too many postal workers, nurses, social workers, and family members have been injured on private property with no protection under the law.
Whilst this is a positive
move it still is only a reactionary policy. Prevention has to be the way to ensure
another child doesn’t end up on the receiving end of an attack from a dog
competing for a resource like a meat pie.
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