Here is a handy leaflet from the RSPCA on what you should do on Fireworks night. It is estimated that some 45% of dogs get anxious when fireworks are let off. If your pet is really frightened then you should seek veterinary advice.
Government ministers are planing a reform of the law regarding dangerous dogs in the UK. But how long has the government been trying to tackle this problem? It may surprise you to know that dog law has existed since the Roman times. The ancient Lex Pesolania was probably the first edition of the Dangerous Dog Act., which made owners responsible for any anti social behavior of their dogs. Dogs featured greatly in early Roman lives, often used as weapons of war and kept as pets. In the third century anti social dog behavior was such a big problem that a law was passed to make owners responsible for any injuries suffered or damage caused as a result of a dog attack. According to the late historian and liberal MP John Roby "if a dog was in a square or public road and not tied up in the daytime and did any mischief, the owner was liable". The first fines for anti social dog behavior came about under Alfred the Great. The law dated back to 849 AD, said "If a dog tear trouser...
Are you aware of what it is your feeding your dog when you feed it branded dog food? The commercial production of canning meat and cereal food for dogs began in the 1930’s by the Chappel brothers. Since then a lot has changed and legislation has been introduced to regulate and provide rules and guidance to the industry to help them fulfill their obligations to make safe pet food. According to the Pet Food Manufacturers Association the Pet Food Industry is “responsible, efficient and at the forefront of Technology.” The key statement in this article for me however is, “This means that it can minimize the use of resources whilst maximizing the safety standards.” If you look at the PFMA web site it is worth noting that it has many articles about Legislation, Sourcing of Raw Materials and Animal By Product Regulations. On the face of it the industry does seem to be a responsible industry. However the devil is in the detail and just like human foods there is good...
Recently I turned 53 and became a Grandfather for the first time. Does that mean I am now officially old? Old age affects people in different ways but how does it affect our dogs? It is really difficult to comprehend that as your dog gets older you have to make changes to how you communicate with him. Both my black labs are now nine years old. Ben, the male, has gone through two major operations in his life, which most people tell you add to your years. Mentally and physically they have always been very active. They have always gone to training school and are part of a demonstration team that carry out demonstrations throughout the summer at local agricultural meetings on obedience and fun agility. The club we are with has an agility night once a month which they go to. We have a holiday home in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, were we go twice a month and for all our main holidays. At Berwick they go for even longer walks and swim in the sea, regardless how cold or rough the sea is, wouldn’t ...
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